Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area


Jason Kempt (CBVRSB)


I Am David

Grade Level


Subject Area

English Language Arts

Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning)

Lessons / Suggestions contained in this unit are designed to assist teachers in generating interest (front loading) in the novel, I Am David. Further lessons are supplied to assess student learning at various points in the novel. Opportunities for accommodating various learning styles and the inclusion of technology are also provided.

Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes

All GCO's for English Language Arts

Integration of ICT outcomes

CT 9.1          use language, in a range of aural, print, media and electronic forms to explore and express their perceptions, feelings, ideas and attitudes; refine their thinking; and interact, negotiate and collaborate with others in order to build their understanding

CT 9.3           critically evaluate how style, form, source, and medium influence the accessibility, validity and meaning of information with independence

PTS 9.1          use software to brainstorm, develop a thought web, outline, and map ideas under study with independence

PTS 9.2           explore curriculum concepts under study using specialized software; measuring, sampling and recording equipment; and computer-based simulations, with teacher assistance

PTS 9.3          explore the curriculum through a wide range of print and electronic forms; accessing and processing information by means of the specialized techniques associated with the technology they select

PTS 9.5          develop multimedia presentations, based on sound principles of design, with increasing confidence,  efficiency and independence

RPSD 9.3          write and represent their research using the structures, features, conventions, and techniques of specialized publication and presentation formats with growing fluency

RPSD 9.4          assess the quality, comprehensiveness, biases, and perspectives of print, media and electronic resources for use in their curricular studies, with teacher guidance

RPSD 9.5          critically evaluate how style, form, source, and medium influence the accessibility, validity, and meaning of information independently

Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities

The time frame for completion of I Am David is generally four weeks.

Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc)

Access to internet-enabled computers
Word Processing, Presentation Software
LCD Projector

Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials)

Instruction Sheets / Lessons:

Making Connections – three student activities: "What's in a Name?", "I Am... poem", and "What famous movie are you?"
An e-Post Card from David
A Chat About David (could include role play)
The Movie Site – information about the website for teachers (http://www.iamdavidmovie.com)
Novels vs Movies

What's in a Name? Worksheet
I Am... Poem Template

Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc)

e-Post Cards:  http://www.ersys.com/postcard.htm
What's Behind the Name?  http://behindthename.com
What famous movie are you?  http://similarminds.com/othertests.html
I Am David movie site:  http://www.iamdavidmovie.com

Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles)

Instruction Sheets / Lessons:

Making Connections – three student activities: "What's in a Name?", "I Am... poem", and "What famous movie are you?"
An e-Post Card from David
A Chat About David (could include role play)
The Movie Site – information about the website for teachers (http://www.iamdavidmovie.com)
Novels vs Movies

What's in a Name? Worksheet
I Am... Poem Template

Student products expected

Internet Research Results,
"I Am" Poetry,
In-Class / Small Group Discussions,
Electronic Post Cards,
Historical Role Play (using electronic chat),
Website Navigation (Critical Web Literacy),
Compare / Contrast Essay

Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available)

Contained within instructions

Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology)

Contained within instructions

Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process)

Rubric for e-Post Cards

Rubric for Role Play (if included as part of the chat about David). This is also included in the instructions

Possible extensions

Suggestions contained in text

Adaptations for students requiring additional support

Suggestions contained in text.

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