Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area

Author Eric Storr (CCRSB)
Title Poetry in Depth
Grade Level 6-9 (samples and instructions focus on Grade 7 and Grade 8)
Subject English Language Arts
Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning)

This unit encourages students to use technology to explore and amplify their learning of poetry and its related elements, such as theme, figures of speech, or literary devices. Each document entitled “instructions" contains detailed instructions of assignments as well as required blackline masters and evaluation rubrics for each assignment.  This unit consists of 3 or 4 student projects which can be completed by all students, or by groups of students who can each complete one project.  

Click on the icon to the left o download a pdf version of the entire unit. 

Here are links to quickstarts for some of the software that can be used to complete this unit.  This unit uses Inspiration, Powerpoint or Keynote, Microsoft Word and imovie or Pinnacle Studio.

Click on the icons to download files associated with each activity.  

Choose a poem – samples included here are based on The Cremation of Sam McGee and The Raven
Introduce, review, discuss poetic devices using a website like http://www.kyrene.k12.az.us/schools/brisas/sunda/poets/poetry2.htm or http://storytrail.com/poetry/poeticdevices.htm

As a class, use Inspiration to create a poem analysis concept web of the poem 
After learning about poetic devices, and themes and interpretations of poetry in general, students could, individually or in groups, select a poem and build their own poem analysis concept web.
Use the Powerpoint presentation (project_introduction.ppt) to introduce the projects to your class.  

Project A: Using a presentation tool such as Powerpoint or Keynote, students will create an interactive poem companion that explains devices used in the poem, or links to images created by the poem.   

Project B: Using a video camera and video editing software, they will storyboard, script and perform a 2 minute film of a personal response including recitation of a stanza of a poem and describe a personal connection to this stanza or poem. 

Project C: Using a presentation software like keynote or PowerPoint, or a video camera and video editing software like Pinnacle Studio or imovie, students will create an audiovisual interpretation of a section of the poem (using Keynote or PowerPoint) to present to the class

Click on icons to download the documents associated with each activity


 or inspiration web (v.6)



(rtf - editable) or poem analysis
(rtf - editable) or Project A: poem companion instructions
(rtf - editable) or Project B: grade 7 digital storytelling
(rtf - editable) or Project B: grade 8 digital storytelling
(rtf - editable) or Project C: multimedia presentation instructions
Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes

Gr. 7 English Language Arts

6.2 make evaluations or judgments about texts and express personal points of view

7.3 develop an ability to respond critically to various texts in a variety of ways such as identifying, describing, and discussing the form, structure, and content of texts and how they might contribute to meaning construction and understanding

8.4 demonstrate an ability to integrate interesting effects in imaginative writing and other forms of representation

10.3 acquire some exposure to the various technologies used for communicating to a variety of audiences for a range of purposes (videos, e-mail, word processing, audiotapes)  

Grade 8 English Language Arts
8.4 demonstrate an awareness of how and when to integrate interesting effects in imaginative writing and other ways of representing; include thoughts and feelings in addition to external descriptions and activities; integrate detail that adds richness and density; identify and correct inconsistencies and avoid extraneous detail; make effective language choices relevant to style and purpose, and, when appropriate, select more elaborate and sophisticated vocabulary and phrasing

Information and Communication Technology 
BOC 9.1 operate a wide variety of school media, computer, and other educationally appropriate equipment for learning, communication, and the representation of their learning, independently and safely with teacher supervision  
BOC 9.2
 use and create information texts in a range of media, using specialized text features of those media to support the communication, with teacher assistance  
BOC 9.3 demonstrate comfort with keyboarding and manipulation of computer input and peripheral devices as they work  
BOC 9.4 manage their electronic files and correspondence efficiently 
BOC 9.5 from a range of resource options, knowledgeably select, manage, and use technological resources to solve curriculum problems and enhance their learning, with teacher guidance  
PTS 9.1 use software to brainstorm, develop a thought web, outline, and map ideas under study with independence  
PTS 9.2
explore curriculum concepts under study using specialized software; measuring, sampling and recording equipment; and computer-based simulations, with teacher assistance 
PTS 9.4
create and manipulate sound, images and video, using digital equipment and computer-based editing, to represent their learning for particular audiences and purposes, independently with teacher supervision
PTS 9.5 develop multimedia presentations, based on sound principles of design, with increasing confidence,  efficiency and independence
CT 9.2
design and build intranet or Internet websites of student-produced pages about a curriculum topic, in small groups with teacher supervision 
RPSD 9.3 write and represent their research using the structures, features, conventions, and techniques of specialized publication and presentation formats with growing fluency

SEHI 9.3
understand, model, and assume personal responsibility for the acceptable use of copyrighted and other information resources

Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities If the entire unit is to be completed, allow 3-4 weeks.  Whole class activity at the beginning to introduce and define poetry, poetic devices and interpretation of poetry (Use the Powerpoint presentation (project_introduction.pdf) to introduce the project to your class.).  Each separate project requires 5 to 6 classes.  If class is divided into groups, each group can do one of the projects and the activities can be completed in 5 to 6 classes.
Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc)

Software: Inspiration, photo manipulation, image creation, multimedia presentation, video editing, sound recording, web page design.  Video/still cameras -  2 or 3 (use signupsheets (pdf) or rtf format  to coordinate usage), LCD projector.  Groups will need both real and virtual space to store information.  File folders (real and online) or project boxes will help groups to stay organized.

At least one classroom computer is required, but a pod of four allows enough access for all groups to complete assignment.  Scheduling becomes key as some groups can be working offline as others are online.

Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials)

all instructions files contain rubrics, blackline masters and file storage instructions.  See icons above or click on these icons to access pdf or rtf versions of documents.

  PDF templates                          RTF (editable) templates

Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc)
Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles) Each project document includes instructions, blackline masters needed for the assignment and rubrics so that students know how they are being evaluated.  All these materials should be customized for use in your particular classroom.  Rubrics in particular are samples only and will need to be adapted to suit your needs.
Student products expected

Poem analysis: (Inspiration web).  Can be whole class or individual
Project A: Poem Companion: web site, interactive word pages (web document with hyperlinks imbedded)
Project B: Personal response  
Project C: Multimedia presentation 

Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available)

Click on this link (project_introduction.ppt) to see a powerpoint presentation that introduces the project and has sample projects and links to instructions.

Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology) Each project is fairly technology-intense.  Planning is an important part of these projects.  Students should make sure that they have the preparatory work saved so that if there are computer problems, you will still be able to evaluate their work.
Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process) Each project has a rubric in the instructions document.  An editable rubric template is here:


Printable copy (pdf) of entire unit


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