Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum
Author |
Bruce Dalzell - CBVRSB |
Title |
Photoelectric Effect |
Grade Level |
12 |
Subject Area |
Physics |
Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning) |
Unit 7: Waves and Modern Physics
Chapter 18: Early Quantum Theory
Topic: 18.1 The Particle Nature of Light: The Photoelectric Effect
Students begin to examine the differences, similarities, and interactions between particles and waves.
The photoelectric effect was a significant early demonstration of the quantum nature of light. The concept of threshold frequency and work function for metals will be examined as well as the effects of changing the battery voltage difference and the frequency and intensity of light on the electron velocity and resulting current.
- A set of five minilabs using an online simulation of the photoelectric effect. This is available from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Physics Education Technology. (Photoelectric Effect Simulation - PhET)
- Large / Small Group Practice / Discovery Learning (using PhET)
- Individual Data Collection and Mathematical / Graphical Analysis of Results (using PhET / DataStudio – work function, threshold frequency)
- Reinforcement Activity (using PhET– work function)
- Individual Concluding Activity (using PhET– unknown metal)
- Teacher-centered instruction and large group discussion of results
Assumptions / Prior Learning
- In Physics 11, students have studied particle and wave behaviour having completed Unit 4: Waves.
- The Waves unit included the Universal Wave Equation (c = f λ) and Planck’s equation (E = hf ) and kinetic energy (E K= ½mv 2)
- Most Physics 12 students have successfully completed Chemistry 11 and understand the atomic theory and ionization energy.
Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes |
ICT Outcomes Ten to Twelve
BOC 12.1 use a wide variety of technology, demonstrate a clear understanding of technological applications, and consistently apply appropriate technology to solve curriculum problems
BOC 12.2 demonstrate an ability to assess the application of technology to solve problems, particularly to evaluate significant effects which estimations, program flaws and human error have on a given solution
PTS 12.5 create electronic charts, tables and graphs; and design, create and manipulate spreadsheets and databases, as part of the process of collecting, analyzing, and displaying data independently
CT 12.3 design and create electronic documents to accomplish curricular tasks
RPSD 12.1 select appropriate devices and software to collect data, solve problems and note patterns; to make logical decisions and draw conclusions; and to present results, with general supervision
Physics 12 Outcomes
115-7 explain how scientific knowledge evolves as new evidence comes to light and as laws and theories are tested and subsequently restricted, revised, or replaced
115-3 explain how a photon momentum revolutionized thinking in the scientific community
213-6 use library and electronic research tools to collect information on a given topic
327-9 describe how the quantum energy concept explains blackbody radiation and the photoelectric effect
327-10 explain qualitatively and apply the formula for the photoelectric effect
Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities |
This unit should take approximately 5-6 classes, depending on the availability of computers and the length of a class period.
Teacher-centered instruction (TCI): Background Concepts and Introduction of the Photoelectric Effect.
Large Group Practice / Discovery Learning: Relating Frequency and Intensity to Current (using PhET)
TCI: The Effects of Light Intensity and Frequency and The Experimental Work of Lenard and the Concept of Stopping Potential
Small Group Practice / Discovery Learning: Determining Stopping Potential (using PhET)
TCI: Einstein, Millikan, Work Function and Threshold Frequency
Individual Data Collection and Mathematical and Graphical Analysis of Results: Determination of Work Function and Threshold Frequency for a Specific Metal (using PhET)
Reinforcement Activity : Verification of the Work Function of a Metal from Simulation Data
Individual Concluding Activity: Identification of an Unknown Metal by from its Work Function and Threshold Frequency (using PhET)
Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc) |
Data projector and screen – for teacher demonstration of how to use simulation software
Computer Lab / Work Pod / Mobile Computer Cart (with internet access) – for pairs of students to play/experiment, collect, store, and email data between home and school
Web Site: Photoelectric Effect Simulation - PhET
Software: DataStudio (for graphical analysis) |
Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials) |
Text :
Physics (2003). Chapter 18 Early Quantum Theory: The photoelectric effect. McGraw-Hill Ryerson: Toronto. pp. 843-853.
Files :
Simulation Experiments
All notes for each portion of the unit are included in a single file (Word format) (pdf format)
This file is organized according to the planned class for which the notes refer. Each section is linked through the list given on the first page of the file. The sections are:
Introduction of the Photoelectric Effect (Class 1)
The Effects of Light Intensity and Frequency (Class 2)
The Experimental Work of Lenard and the Concept of Stopping Potential (Class 2)
Einstein, Millikan, Work Function and Threshold Frequency (Class 4)
Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc) |
Simulation Site
Photoelectric Effect Simulation - PhET
Additional Lesson Plans from PhET
Intro to Photoelectric Effect Interactive Lecture S. McKagan - Demo
Photoelectric effect J. Bourne - Lab
Photoelectric Effect C. Miller - Lab
Photoelectric Effect Activity D. Collins - Lab
The Photoelectric Effect A. Sokolowski - Lab
Understanding the Photoelectric Effect S. McKagan - HW
Related Web Sites
Physics 24/7: Physics Tutorial: Photoelectric Effect and Garage Door Sensors
Robert B. Friedman & Rick Kessler - The Photoelectric Effect & Its Applications
Streaming Video (Optional)
A Photoelectric Effect Experiment
Available through paid subscription at Discovery Education Streaming (formerly United Streaming).
Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles) |
Unit 7 – Waves and Modern Physics
Chapter 18 Early Quantum Theory
Photoelectric Effect
- Teacher-centered instruction
18.1 The Particle Nature of Light and Early Quantum Theory – See Notes (Word format) (pdf format)
- Classical physics, Maxwell, electromagnetic radiation, universal wave equation
- Universal Wave Equation (c = f λ) and Planck’s equation (E = hf ) and kinetic energy (E K= ½mv 2)
- Atomic theory and ionization energy
- Teacher-centered instruction
Introduction of the Photoelectric Effect (in the simplest of terms) see Notes (Word format) (pdf format)
- Large Group Practice / Discovery Learning (using PhET)
Lab 1: Relating Frequency and Intensity to Current (Word format) (pdf format)
- Group Discussion of Results:
Lab 1: Relating Frequency and Intensity to Current
- Teacher-centered instruction
The Effects of Light Intensity and Frequency see Notes (Word format) (pdf format)
- Teacher-centered instruction
The Experimental Work of Lenard and the Concept of Stopping Potential see Notes (Word format) (pdf format)
- Small Group Practice / Discovery Learning (using PhET)
Lab 2: Determining Stopping Potential (Word format) (pdf format)
- Homework Assignment
- Construct a graph of Stopping Potential versus Frequency (use graphing calculators or DataStudio – Enter Data). A sample file of the data is included (DataStudio format)
- Determine the slope of the line of best fit in V∙s and in J∙s (1 eV = 1.6× 10 −19 J)
- Determine the x-intercept and the y-intercept (include range of uncertainty)
- Group Discussion of Results from Lab 2: Determining Stopping Potential
- Teacher-centered instruction
Einstein, Millikan, Work Function and Threshold Frequency see Notes (Word format) (pdf format)
- Individual Data Collection and Mathematical and Graphical Analysis of Results (using PhET)
Lab 3A: Determination of Work Function and Threshold Frequency for a Specific Metal using Stopping Potential (Word format) (pdf format)
- Reinforcement Activity (using PhET)
Lab 3B: Verification of the Work Function of a Metal from Simulation Data using Critical Frequency (Word format) (pdf format)
- Individual Concluding Activity (using PhET)
Lab 4: Identification of an Unknown Metal by from its Work Function and Threshold Frequency (Word format) (pdf format)
Student products expected |
MiniLab 1: Relating Frequency and Intensity to Current (Word format) (pdf format)
MiniLab 2: Determining Stopping Potential (Word format) (pdf format)
MiniLab 3A: Determination of Work Function and Threshold Frequency for a Specific Metal (Word format) (pdf format)
Lab 3B: Verification of the Work Function of a Metal from Simulation Data (Word format) (pdf format)
Lab 4: Identification of an Unknown Metal by from its Work Function and Threshold Frequency (Word format) (pdf format) |
Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available) |
Sample Data and Graph
Graph of Stopping Potential versus Frequency for Sodium Metal (Word format) (pdf format)
- created using the Enter Data option from Data Studio
- line of best fit using the Fit – Linear Fit tool
Sample Data of Stopping Potential versus Frequency for Sodium Metal (DataStudio format)
- created using the Enter Data option from Data Studio
- line of best fit using the Fit – Linear Fit tool
Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology) |
- Computers with Internet and ActiveX
- Ensure at least one working computer for every two students
- Wireless laptops are preferred (Computer on Wheels)
- Data projector to demonstrate basic simulation functions with whole group
- Provide immediate (next class) feedback on expected relationships between variables
Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process) |
Assessment Rubrics
MiniLab 3A & 3B: Determination and Verification of Work Function and Threshold Frequency for a Specific Metal (Word format) (pdf format)
Lab 4: Identification of an Unknown Metal by from its Work Function and Threshold Frequency (Word format) (pdf format)
Multiple-Choice Quiz
Photoelectric Effect (Word format) (pdf format)
Possible extensions |
Applications of the Photoelectric Effect – Charge Coupling Devices (CCDs)
Adaptations for students requiring additional support |
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