Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area


Jeff Carruthers (HRSB)


Classification of Substances

Grade Level

Grade 7

Subject Area

Science – Pure Substances and Mixtures

Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning)

The activity is based upon a lesson from the grade 7 science text, Nelson Science and Technology, called Classifying Substances: Inquiry Investigation 1.1.

Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes

Science 7 Outcomes:

  • Relate the formation and separation of everyday mixtures and solutions to disciplines such as chemistry and engineering (109-10)
  • Identify new questions and problems about mixtures that arise from what is learned (210-16)
  • Distinguish between pure substances and mixtures, using the particle theory of matter (307-1)

ICT Outcomes:
BOC 9.1   operate a wide variety of school media, computer, and other educationally appropriate equipment for learning, communication, and the representation of their learning, independently and safely with teacher supervision
BOC 9.2   use and create information texts in a range of media, using specialized text features of those media to support the communication, with teacher assistance
BOC 9.4   manage their electronic files and correspondence efficiently
BOC 9.6   understand and use a wide range of terminology related to the technology they use for learning

SEHI 9.3   understand, model, and assume personal responsibility for the acceptable use of copyrighted and other information resources
PTS 9.1   use software to brainstorm, develop a thought web, outline, and map ideas under study with independence
PTS 9.4   create and manipulate sound, images and video, using digital equipment and computer-based editing, to represent their learning for particular audiences and purposes, independently with teacher supervision
PTS 9.5   develop multimedia presentations, based on sound principles of design, with increasing confidence, efficiency and independence

CT 9.2   design and build intranet or Internet websites of student-produced pages about a curriculum topic, in small groups with teacher supervision

RPSD 9.2   create and use electronic charts, maps, tables, graphs, spread sheets and databases to collect, analyse and display data independently
RPSD 9.3   write and represent their research using the structures, features, conventions, and techniques of specialized publication and presentation formats with growing fluency

Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities

Four – Five Hours.

Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc)

Inspiration, FrontPage or some other web development program, computer

Teaching materials provided ( Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials)

Teacher Instructions (includes sample diagram)
Student Instructions (includes very basic instructions for webpages)
Inspiration - Beginner Activity ( http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/carrutji/inspiration.htm )

Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc)

Halifax Regional School Board TILT – Tutorials (http://www.hrsb.ns.ca/program/eqa/curriculum/techint/pd/tutorials/index.html)

Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles)

See sheets provided

Student products expected

A webpage, saved locally, with information about their method of classification.

Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available)

See graphic in teacher instructions.

Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology)

Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process)

Possible extensions

Adaptations for students requiring additional support

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