Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area


Aaron Neaves - SRSB


Weather Stations

Grade Level


Subject Area


Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning)

In the first lesson, students will work in small groups and travel around as a group to 6 different centres (3 on computers, 3 using the textbook) to discover how meteorologists obtain information about the weather. Students will learn how to measure air pressure, wind velocity, wind strength, temperature, humidity, and amount of precipitation.

In the second lesson, each group then will use the information they just gathered to construct their own weather station and record data for 5 days. Once completed students will graph their data to compare over time.

Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes

Science 10 Outcomes

  • Analyse meteorological data for a given time span and predict future weather conditions, using appropriate technologies and methodologies (331-5)
  • Use weather instruments effectively and accurately for collecting local weather data (213-3)
  • Use print and electronic sources to collect weather data from regional and national weather observational networks (213-6, 213-7)
  • Identify examples where improved data gathering technology has resulted in better understanding of the weather systems and forecasting (116-1)

 ICT Outcomes

  • Safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with growing independence (BOC 6.1)
  • From a range of resource options, knowledgeably select, manage, and use technological resources to solve curriculum problems and enhance their learning, with teacher guidance (BOC 9.5)
  • create and use electronic charts, maps, tables, graphs, spreadsheets, and databases to collect, analyze and display data independently (RPSD 9.2)

Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities

2 one hour classes to complete the centres

1 one hour class to construct the weather stations and set them up

1 one hour class to input the data, to graph the data and to discuss the data

4 one hour classes in total!

Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc)

  • 3 classroom computers with internet assess
  • Microsoft PowerPoint or Presentation software
  • Microsoft Excel or a Spreadsheet software
  • Various materials to build weather stations
  • SciencePower 10 textbook

Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials)

Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc)

Environment Canada – Skywatchers Teachers’ Corner

Franklin’s forecast

Miami Museum of Science – Make your own weather station

Weather Dynamics

Family Fun – Weather Wizards – Weather Station

National Environment Agency (US): Weather Instruments

Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles)

Two PowerPoint presentations have been included with this lesson ( Air Pressure and Wind). These are required for the students to view at Centre 2 and Centre 4. An optional activity could be developed in which each student group is also responsible for producing similar PowerPoint presentations for other aspects of weather, such as precipitation, humidity, and so on.

Students will be divided into 6 work groups. Each group will have 20 minutes at each centre. At each centre, the students will read information materials and then answer several questions based on the materials they have read. Three centres involve the students using their textbooks and three involve students using computers.

After the completion of all centres, each group will have a good idea of how a weather station works and they will have already researched many ideas of how to make their weather station. Now the students should discuss within their group how they will organize the building of their own weather station. Among other decisions, they should agree about who will bring which materials to build the weather stations, and how they will divide the tasks.

In the next class, students will work in their groups to construct their own weather stations. Once the stations are constructed, they must decide as a group what area of the school grounds would be the best location to set up their weather station. They must recall the information that they gathered from the centres to help them with their decision.

Once the weather stations are all constructed and set up, the students must check their weather station every day for 5 days, either every morning, or first thing every science class. This is a decision that should reflect what will work best for the teacher.

After all the data are collected, each group should use spreadsheet software to input their data from each instrument and then graph the data over time. The students will then be able to get a visual representation of the weather that week. Then have them compare their group’s data with the rest of the class and then have each group compare it to the local newspapers forecast.

Student products expected

  • Each student must complete the provided weather station question sheet.
  • Each group must construct a weather station
  • Each group will incorporate their data into a spreadsheet and create a graph of data vs time.
  • Each group will submit a one-page reflection discussing the accuracy of their weather station and ways the data collection may have been improved.

An optional PowerPoint presentation may also be required of each group. This may consist of a presentation that discusses one of the variables for weather and weather forecasting, or a presentation to discuss the technologies used to collect data about some specific aspect of the weather.

Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available)

Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology)

Students are encouraged to work together as a group throughout the lessons.

Their work should consist of a mixture of online (using the computer) and offline (working with text and hands-on materials) activities.

Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process)

Building a Weather Station Rubric (Word format) (pdf format)

Possible extensions


Have each group create their own weather forecast and video tape it and edit it using video editing software like Windows Movie Maker.

Adaptations for students requiring additional support

For those students who struggle with writing and are on adaptations, these activities could easily be adapted to meet each student’s needs.

Skeletal notes could be one easy solution to help them with answering the questions.

For example:

There are two instruments used to measure the amount of humidity in the air. They are: ________________ and ____________. A _______________ has two identical ______________. One thermometer has a _________ that is open to the air. This is called the _________ bulb. The other bulb is covered by a wet ___________ and is called the wet ________.

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