Lessons Integrating Information and Communication Technology within a Curriculum Area


Cara MacLean


Survey Project (Based on Statistics Project from grade 8 Assessment modules on HRSB site)

Grade Level


Subject Area

Mathematics – Data Analysis

Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning)

Create a website using FrontPage with inserted forms to collect survey information, then use Microsoft Excel and MS Word to create a presentation of the survey and results.

Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes

Math Outcomes:       F1                Demonstrate an understanding of the variability of repeated samples of the same population

                                   F2                Develop and apply the concept of randomness

                                   F3                Construct and interpret circle graphs

                                   F6                Extrapolate and interpolate information from graphs

                                   F8                Develop and conduct statistics projects to solve problems

                                   F9                Evaluate data interpretations that are based on graphs and tables

ICT Outcomes:         SEHI 9.4     demonstrate an understanding of, and a commitment to, accuracy, and ethical behaviour, and personal privacy and safety as they create and distribute information about themselves, others, and curriculum topics under study

                                   PTS 9.2       explore curriculum concepts under study using specialized software; measuring, sampling and recording equipment; and computer-based simulations, with teacher assistance

                                   PTS 9.3       explore the curriculum through a wide range of print and electronic forms; accessing and processing information by means of the specialized techniques associated with the technology they select

                                   PTS 9.6       use information and communication technology to explore increasingly complex numerical and spatial situations for the purpose of developing and testing conjectures

                                   RPSD 9.1   select appropriate measuring and recording devices and/or software to collect data, discover patterns of change over time, solve problems and  make logical decisions based on their investigations; with teacher assistance

                                   RPSD 9.2   create and use electronic charts, maps, tables, graphs, spread sheets and databases to collect, analyse and display data independently


1 period (approx. 1 hour) to develop their survey questions

2 periods (approx. 2 hours) to develop the website

A defined period of time to collect data from their forms (2 weeks)

2 periods (approx. 2 hours) to complete graphing results.

1 period (approx. 1 hour) to complete the typed report.

Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc)

Computers equipped with internet access, MS FrontPage, MS Word, and MS Excel


Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials)

Project Outline, including description of the project, student worksheets and instructions, and evaluation rubric: (Word format) (pdf format)


Survey Template: (Excel format)



     Sample Survey:     (Web format)

     Sample Project materials: (Excel format) (pdf format)

Online Tutorial Creating Graphs in MS Excel

Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc)

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/excel_create_chart.htm  - Tutorial - creating graphs in Excel

www.zoomerang.com - Free online survey site

http://www.statcan.ca/english/edu/power/toc/contents.htm - info on creating frequency distribution diagrams and graphs

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/excel_functions.htm - tutorial - Using equations in Excel

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/excel_equations.htm - tutorial - Writing equations in excel

http://www.actden.com/fp2000/java/index.htm - tutorial - using FrontPage

http://www.trainingtools.com/online/FrontPage2000/index.htm -tutorial - FrontPage

Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles)

1.          Book time in the computer lab or library if necessary.

2.          Create a sample survey to show to the students and have them complete it. This should be done the day before the project begins so the results can be graphed as an example for the introduction.

3.          As an introduction, complete the graphs related to the sample survey you’ve done with the class. I’d suggest having a completed report on hand as well so they can see what the finished product would look like.

4.          Break class into groups. The group size can vary depending on the needs of your class, as long as each student is responsible for the creation of at least one survey question, and its associated graphs.

5.          Hand out project outline to students. Go over project tasks with the students and clarify any problem areas. Set deadlines for project steps.

6.          Have students get with their group members and begin work on topic selection and question writing.

7.          Collect rough copies of questions to make sure students are on track.

8.          When questions have been completed and corrected. Proceed to the next task of writing the website, and having the file emailed to you. See your tech support person to determine how the students should set up the forms. You’ll need to make sure the network is set up to support forms from FrontPage. If not, it might be easier to use an online program such as Zoomerang to make the survey.

9.          Upload the websites either to your personal space or to the school website. (If you need help with this, see your school tech support advisor)

10.     If possible get other classes to complete your surveys or parents to complete them as well as the members of your class.

11.     The information submitted will be saved wherever you have chosen to have it saved. Compile it, and distribute it to the groups so they can begin work on their Frequency Distribution Tables. I have not included instructions for using formulas to calculate the different values in the tables. If you wish to, you may do so. In the resources section, there is a link to a MS Excel tutorial.

12.     After the frequency distribution tables have been completed, students may begin work on their graphs.

13.     When the graphs are complete, the students can begin their typed reports.

14.     Confirm the due date, and collect projects for evaluation.


**Remind them to periodically save their work.


***Some steps in this section will vary depending on the technology set up at your school.

Student products expected

  1. Web page with survey
  2. Typed report or PowerPoint which includes:
    1. Description of survey topic
    2. Survey questions
    3. Frequency distribution chart
    4. Bar graph
    5. Circle Graph
    6. Reflection/Questions

Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available)

See attached Samples

     Sample Survey:     (Web format)

     Sample Project materials: (Excel format) (pdf format)

Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology)

  1. Students should work in small groups to complete this assignment. I would suggest one survey question per student. Make one student responsible for the graphs related to that question. That way each student is responsible for a section of the project.
  2. It would be a good idea to put at least one technologically able person in each group.
  3. Ideally, all students will have access to a computer when necessary for the duration of this project. Alternately, this project could be run concurrently with ongoing classroom work where groups of students work at computers while others complete assignments at their desks.
  4. Make sure students have access to, and are saving files to their network space and not the hard drive of the computer if Deep Freeze is installed.
  5. I would suggest running a sample survey yourself to work out the glitches before having the students put theirs online.

Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process)

See the Survey Project Evaluation form: (Word format) (pdf format)

Possible extensions

If it is not possible to use FrontPage to create their websites and surveys, there are also online survey creation sites where you can create and post a survey for free. One example is Zoomerang.

It would also be possible to have students create a PowerPoint presentation rather than a typed report at the end. This would make it easier to present their findings to the class.

It would also be possible to do a poster presentation of the findings.

I think it would be a good idea to encourage students to present their findings to an audience that can potentially make changes related to their survey. For example, if they are talking about changes to the cafeteria menu, present the findings to the school principal and the cafeteria staff.

Adaptations for students requiring additional support

For students who need some support, it would be possible to simplify the project:

Rather than design a webpage, the questions could be typed or handwritten, and then the student could conduct an in-person or phone survey.

If question writing is a problem, questions could be assigned based on topic choice and then the rest of the assignment could be completed.

The data could be entered in the frequency distribution tables before the template is given out.

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