Author | Judy Mac Donald, CBVRSB |
Title | Empowerment and Disempowerment |
Grade Level | Grade 7 |
Subject Area | Social Studies |
Overview of unit/lessons/activities (assumptions of prior knowledge/learning) | To allow students to explore the general concepts of empowerment and disempowerment. To investigate the various ways that people are empowered or disempowered and to ponder future solutions. Students will cultivate:
Correlations to ICT and curriculum outcomes | Students will be able to BOC 9.1 operate a wide variety of school media, computer, and other educationally appropriate equipment for learning, communication, and the representation of their learning, independently and safely with teacher supervision SEHI 9.2 identify and demonstrate the values and techniques of mass media, popular culture, and electronic information environments, and evaluate the effects of these techniques PTS 9.3 explore the curriculum through a wide range of print and electronic forms; accessing and processing information by means of the specialized techniques associated with the technology they select CT 9.3 critically evaluate how style, form, source, and medium influence the accessibility, validity and meaning of information with independence RPSD 9.2 create and use electronic charts, maps, tables, graphs, spread sheets and databases to collect, analyse and display data independently RPSD 9.4 assess the quality, comprehensiveness, biases, and perspectives of print, media and electronic resources for use in their curricular studies, with teacher guidance Students will develop:
Projected timeline for preparation and for carrying out activities | Two days to prepare activities, photocopy sheets and organize technology requirements Five classes to carry out activities |
Equipment Requirements: (computers, software, etc) |
Teaching materials provided (Blacklines, worksheets, templates, teacher materials) |
Resources available for teacher/student use (websites, references, etc) | Please refer to the Resources document:
resources.rtf resources.pdf |
Detailed instructions for each activity or lesson (teacher notes, activity information, learning strategies, teacher role, student roles) | Please refer to the document entitled Lessons and Strategies The teacher in this exercise is a facilitator and the student is an expert person in a group lessons_strategies.rtf lessons_strategies.pdf |
Student products expected |
Samples (include teacher notes, assessment information, student work if available) | Please refer to the rubric provided. rubric.rtf rubric.pdf |
Logistics (organization, grouping, management issues, access to technology) |
Assessment information (e.g., rubrics for products and/or process) | Students are required to complete printed copies of the Venn Diagram and Charts. Students are required to prepare a group presentation for the class based on the written report using visuals (Venn diagrams and charts) Assessment will be developed through the rubric provided. A class bulletin board summarizing student findings will also be developed. |
Possible extensions | Students can use a similar approach in each of the particular units in the empowerment section: Economic, Political, Cultural, Social, National. |
Adaptations for students requiring additional support | The words "positive" and "negative" can be substituted for "empowerment" and "disempowerment" when students cannot comprehend the meaning of terms. Students with limited computer skills can construct a poster to illustrate the outcomes. |